The first show of the year could not go better!

23/2-20 Tornio, Finland
Judge Helin Tenson

”Jere” Thunder Road I Like Big Butts EX1 CQ BM-2 R.CAC owner Minerva Särkelä
”Frank” Thunder Road Hangover In Dover EX1CQ BM-1 CAC BOS
”Rutan” A’Vigdors Rut EXC
”Hjördis” Thunder Road Junk In The Trunk EX4 CQ c/o owner Marlene Eriksson kennel Ozzints
”Hulda” Thunder Road Knock Spots Off EX1 CQ BF-1 CAC BOB
Best breedersgroup!

Look What lovely critique of the breedersgroup:

Very beautiful and high quality and similartype goup, allthough all 4 dogs are from different lines. Breeder have been succesfull in every way and has taken note off all important features of the breed.